Workshop Arcade

Pfizer Gun is a game made with Arduino during the project Arcade with :

Ayoub Zarafa, Steeve Dossou, Jade Gagnepain, Lison Guignard and I.

It is a 1 VS 1 game between the mad scientist who tried to cure the Covid-19 and the contaminated population who tried to dodge it.


Dr Raoult tells his story to the two players and the game rules.

The players had to choose : Helping the mad scientist or escape the cure.

The doctor gives them badges which represent their roles.

The player accesses the scene, head to head.

The game starts when the players push the button.

The timer starts. The doctor's assistant has to shoot the people before the timer is up with his laser injection.

The player who protects the population can move them to the right and left. He also has two buttons, one who can raise a wall and the other who makes them invincible.

At the middle of the time, the survivors mutate, they have to be shot two times.

At the end, the players can leave with pride for defending their ideas.

Thank you for reading !