Welcome in the "Têtes Creux" clan !

You are a candidate for the position of chief of the clan of the “Têtes Creux”.

During the trial you will have to prove your value by defending your people, defeating the enemy and dodging the traps behind the walls thanks to your super instinct.

Also, as the future representative of the clan, you must have the best HEADBUTT !

Prepare yourself for the trial and good luck !

What is it ?

Tête Creux is an endless game in VR. We used the Quest 2 from Meta and the SubPac. You have to destroy the obstacles in front of you and gain the maximum points without dying.

We had two weeks, one for development and the other for the User Experience.

Made with Bordes Martin, Lecrubier Hugo and Pignet Valentin.

Artistic Direction

In this game we had a graphic constraint : The Wood punk universe.

The characters cheering Maui in the song "You’re Welcome" was one of our inspirations for the mood and overall design of the game.

Used Equipment

For this project we had an equipment constraint : The Quest 2 and the SubPac.

We used Blender and 3DS Max for modeling, Substance Painter for texturing and Unity for the game development.

To allow everyone to play this game, I changed the code so that it is not the SubPac that vibrates but the controllers.

User Experience

We could work on the game development in the first week, and we had a second week to work on the user experience.

The principal difference between them is that the game development is based on the design of the game and the development of the feature, centered on the idea of the project and the user experience is centered on the experience of the user and the feedback we collect to improve the existing game.

So we had to find players in different fields to maximize our chance of developing a project which will satisfy most of the customers.

Quit & Replay

Players make us realize that there wasn’t a Quit or Replay button.

We added them in the game and tested without telling them if they recognized the button and could use them.

We added hand drawings on the panels to make it more understandable.

The floor and the Walls

The floor and walls didn't have markings, so the players couldn't differentiate the walls.

We added hand painting on the floor and burned marks on the walls.

Without telling the new players, they understood by themself.

The Score and the Life display

The users at first didn’t understand these signs, so we added text and icons.

Also we found out that they couldn't see them because they didn’t have the time, so we slowed down the beginning for them to look at the scenery.


We wanted to use the headbutt only for the walls as the base idea.
But the players wanted to hit the enemies with it, because the enemies were too big, users thought that the enemy was very strong.

We tried to use small monsters and it worked as planned ! The players started to slap them.

But, the monsters were too small, and we received complaints from tall players who had to bend down to hit the enemies.

So we put the monster on a spike to make it taller without him being bigger.

Like this, the user slapped them naturally.


To defend yourself you can do three actions :

Give headbutts to destroy the non-trap walls and to gain more points.

Use your fist to fight against the enemy and slap them.

Destroy the non-trap walls with your two hands.


Two methods to break the walls :

When the SubPac (Or the controllers) vibrate, be careful there is a trap !

Use your head!

Use your two hands.


There are three corridors on the floor to help you.

Find the right path with the vibration of the SubPac (Or the controllers). When it vibrates, there is danger !

Be careful, each time, two walls are trapped !


Enemies will come at you

Be careful ! Enemies want to kill you !.

Defeat them with your fist

Thank you for reading !